Tender, Love, And Care: Weight Loss Programs For Pregnant Women
Being pregnant means you will be eating for two now, that is why it is completely understandable if you gained weight. But what you should be aware of, is that if you belong to the overweight or obese category.
If you want a healthy journey during your pregnancy you should consider a weight loss program. But not like any other weight loss program this one is modified for expecting mothers.
Vegetables and fruits are the golden staples of expecting mothers.
Pregnant women should include protein-rich foods which are meat, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, tofu, cheese, milk, nuts, and seeds.
Whole grains are also an important part of your diet for energy. Go for 3 to 4 servings of dairy foods a day, such as milk, yogurt, and cheese are good dietary sources of calcium, protein, and vitamin D. There are also foods you have to avoid so that it would not interfere with your health.
Draw the line for your caffeine and coffee intake on a 200 mg a day because this is considered safe for pregnant women.
It is best if you include fish dishes on your diet for the fact that it is a great protein source. But limit it to a good 8-12 ounces a day and you are good to go.
Prenatal vitamins are important as these would help boost your immunity and add to the vitamins you and your baby needs.
There are certain complications that you might encounter if you are obese or overweight during pregnancy check it out below.
You are at high risk of obstructive sleep apnea where in your pregnancy hormones aggravate the problem especially in obese or overweight women. Problems with infection might occur during and even after your pregnancy. You are prone to high blood pressure and this might increase the chances of blood clots, premature birth, or even stroke.
Labor can become a nightmare for mothers who are overweight or obese. You would most likely encounter a complication making it hard to push out a child that leads to cesarean section.
You might have a higher risk of having a child with hydrocephalus which is 60% higher, heart defect is 30% higher, and cleft lip is 20% higher. The chances of miscarriage increase in obese women along with these are the risks of stillbirths.
You should keep these in mind for a better and healthy mommy and baby. Prepare your weight loss plan for a better flow and organization of your routine.
You need to exercise every now and then for the fact that your mobility helps with labor pains. Mother believe is the key to a painless or at least reduce the pain during labor.
You should tell your fellow expecting mothers about the weight loss program and how this can help them be healthy.